Industries we Serve
Improve mixability, solubility, dispersibility, and suspension. Retain key nutrients through Clean Label processing. Upcycle by-products and waste material.
Biofuels & Bioplastics
Increase reaction efficiency with low moisture, high surface area particles. Increase throughput of organic filler material in plastics compounding and downstream processing.
Upcycle by-products and waste material into new revenue streams. Reduce volumes and weight of raw material to lower cost of transportation.
Paper, Pulp, Packaging
Mechanical fibrillation creates high surface area, non-uniform shearing and fractionation. Reduce resources used throughout traditional processing methods.
Waste Management
Increase efficiency in waste-to-energy plants. Reduce volume and weight of material to lower cost of transportation.
Textiles & Nonwovens
Create high surface area, non-uniform particles and fiber lengths through mechanical fibrillation, shearing, and fractionation.